Inspired by the Hoya Carnosa, this light fixture combines a balanced armature building off of eachother with delicate patterned surfaces, accentuating the contrast between hard and soft systems. When illuminated, the tubes reveal the repeating motifs that allows the light to project through the tubes and the light to project under the lamp and portray the flowers at the end of the stem.
The Drooping Chutes Lamp is designed to capture the essence of the Hoya Carnosa flower, both in its form and the way it interacts with light. The flower itself is known for its delicate, star-shaped blooms, which possess a subtle glow in natural light. This quality is mirrored in the lamp's design, where the repeating floral motifs on the surface of the lamp create a similar effect. When the lamp is illuminated, the light interacts with these intricate patterns, casting shadows and projections that evoke the natural beauty of the plant’s blossoms.